Saturday 15 February 2014

Week 5 & 6 Post FAI Open Hip Surgical Discloation & Debridement Surgery Recovery

During the 5th week post op, I seemed to improve quite a bit. I had cut down a lot of the pain medication and so was a bit more “with it” I was moving about more on my two crutches without pain. The swelling in my leg was a lot less  and  I started to feel like my leg actually belonged to me again! I was getting very tired of the crutches as everything ached and everything was hard work with only toe touch weight baring.  When I woke up on the morning of 6 weeks post op I felt great. I took hardly any pain killers that week and actually started to bare some more  weight through my op leg as it felt fine and my shoulders really appreciated it.

We went down to Truro for my post op check on the 17th Jan and the Xray showed that my osteomy had healed, Mr F said he could barely see the fracture line. I must be a super healer or something because my scar looked great to! He said he was pleased with my "new angles". He said that I could fully weight bare on it from that moment and from the following Friday I could drop to one crutch. Then from the  Monday after that (8 weeks post op) I could start my hydrotherapy and begin to get back to normal. He even said I could do a Zumba class form 12 weeks if I fancied - I didn't fancy, thank you very much. Not my sort of thing! What about horse riding? "When ever you feel like it from next weekend, just for a few minutes at a time"  Brillo!  My post op x-ray is below and it kind of freaks me out how different my hip sockets look now. My operated one is so much smaller!
I asked him if there is now a risk that my op hip may dislocate now that it is all so much smaller? He says not a chance. I ask if him if I will need to hip replacement, He says it very unlikely because now, as if it wasn’t for the hardware, my hip looks a very good, healthy hip. 
He says I will need number 2 doing, as soon as the number one is recovered at the Tonnis angle in that is is in the negatives and the CE angle is to big. There is also posterior overcovergae so basically the same as number 1 was. So there is no question of whether my other hip needs doing, its more a matter of when. They say it takes at least a year to heal from this op, as the current op leg needs to take on the role of the main leg when the other is done. But realistically, I don't want it done this year. Autumn 2015 would suit me, so long as it can hang in that long!
So overall I feel very happy with my post op verdict. It is just sad they have to go through all this again with hip 2. It seems like I am half walk through my battle and the end is still a long way off.

7 Weeks 5 days post op!


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