Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Spinal Specialists Opinion May - July 2013

30th May 2013. Appointment Mr H, but it was actually his specialised physiotherapist. She did X rays and an exam. She said the  x-rays showed some degenerative disc disease (DDD) in the lumber region but  it was mild and did not relative to amount of pain I was reporting. She referred me for an MRI.

2nd July 2013.  Lumbar & thoracic MRI

31st July 2013 Appointment with Mr H's specialist physiotherapist for MRI results:
Shows some DDD in the lumbar region, she seemed surprised that the amount of pain I am in can be caused by this mild DDD. I actually start to feel like she is questioning whether I am making my pain up. She then goes on to  recommend some more facet joint injections. Yuk.  I explain that I have had these twice before, and they did not work. She says worth doing again, as Mr H likes to do them himself before continuing with any other treatment. I very reluctantly agree to the injections, and am already dreading the pain of them. She then goes on to discuss spinal surgery, but doesn’t seem to think my discs are bad enough, but she says I can have it if I want it...... What?! How does s that work then? Spinal surgery even they don’t think I need it? I am very confused now. I  do not like the idea of spinal surgery AT ALL. I beat a quick retreat from this lady, I did not want to discuss any further.
I get no following letters from this clinic as I did with the hip one. But I have now requested a copy of the records they hold from these appointments.
August 2013 : I receive a letter with a date for my 3rd lots of facet joint injection, 21st November 2013. Oh goody I can't wait. (sarcastic tone required for last sentence)

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