Saturday 15 February 2014

9 weeks Post Op

Today I feel ok, I have taken very few pain killers and I seem to be doing well getting about on one crutch now. I am finding I can do a “penguin walk” with no crutches, which is handy around the bedroom/bathroom/kitchen. I am aware that doing to much of this might mean I start doing more things in general and must make sure I don’t overdo things.  I have some achey/restriction pain, but no groin or leg pain at all, unless I push beyond my ROM limit. The incision has been  giving me some sharp nerve type pain over the last few days, but nothing really bad, I think it just a process of it healing. The area around the incision also feels rather numb. Again, I am not worried about this, I am sure it is just nerves healing.
Hydro tonight was good, I did go on two crutches but only because it was late (8:30pm!), rainy and it is a fair walk through the hospital to the pool, my  leg does tire quickly of I walk far on one crutch.  I had to use the walking frame around the poolside again. I felt a lot more confident in the pool, a lot more balanced. I mentioned to  my therapist about the reduced ROM in the leg raise and he said it was nothing to worry about, it would improve again. We did a lot of different exercises today, including a step that was put on the floor of the pool and I practiced going up and down like a normal person would! Next week I am joining the group, so there will be six of us but we all have own exercise plans to work to. Bit worried about that, as I tend to be a self conscious in a group environment. I hope I don’t over do it as it is a 45min session instead of 30min and obviously I won’t be supervised as much. I shall have to remind myself to take things slowly and not rush!

I go to see my physiotherapist Donna on Friday so I am looking forward to that. I want to go through the exercises I am doing at the moment and see of there is anything I change or add to it.

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