Saturday 15 February 2014

Exercises - up to 8 weeks and after 8 weeks

As a reminder, here are the only exercises I was allowed to do for the first 8 weeks post op:

Exercises up to 8 weeks
Ankle pumps and ankle rotation as often as possible during the day.
Glute sets as often as possible during the day
Twice a day:
·       Passive abduction to max 30 degrees x 10

·       Passive flex ion to max 90 degrees x 10

From 3 weeks added  a raised passive flexion to 90 degrees max x 10
·       Quad sets – 2 lots of 10

·       Glute sets – 2 lots of 10

·       Non op leg – leg lift/extension, 2 lots of 10

·       Prone lying (when able to get there) for 30mins, with some knee raised to stretch quads

My Planned exercises from 8 Weeks

Active heel slides – 2 lots of 10
Active abduction to 45d, x5, build as tolerated
Active leg left, angle as hip will allow, 5, build up as tolerated
Leg lift & flexing for non op leg as before
Prone lying and flexion as before
20+ “sit ups” for core - literally just lifting my head and shoulders off the bed but ensuring core is "engaged"
Pelvic rocking
Standing abduction as far as leg will allow, startat 5. Build up to 20
10 minute walk if weather allows
Static bike, no resistance, start at 3mins and increase by 1 minute per day.

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