Tuesday 18 February 2014

11 weeks Post op

Last week I started back to a bit more work. I run a Pet care Franchise, and part of my service is dog walking (although I only have one daily one and 3 or four "irregular" ones now, most of my work comes from feeding cats and pet transport). I have employed someone to do the dog walks whilst I was off and it is my plan to phase back in by the end of the month. I started with Henry, my 5 days a week dog, just doing Tuesday and Thursday last week. It went ok, I am still on one crutch so wasn't easy but, feels like a step in the right direction, I think that walking is deffinatly something I need to get back too, to build up my stamina.
I went to Land-physio with Donna on Friday 14th . She loosened my back off again and we went and did 2  mins warm up on the static bike then the leg press machine! - no weight, so only pushing my own body weight, I did 15 reps and that was enough. She says next week we start single leg pushes. The she analysed my gait walking up and down the gym without the crutch, She got me to slow right down to the point at which we could spot when it is I fall to the right, it is just as my right foot needs to push off from the back. So she got me concentrating on that point and engaging my core and hip flexors to prevent the listing. It was good, I managed to walk back to her clinic room with no limp, but VERY slowly. So that's my home work for the week.
The day after physio I felt really sore in my hip and hip flexors so rested as much as I could. I also felt the familiar shooting pain in my spine when I twisted funny in my desk chair. But I am trying to ignore that . The day after that (Sunday) I was struck down by a migraine, so another day resting on the sofa between trying to do physio and get some jobs done. So overall I am feeling pleased with my hip, but the rest if me just feels fatigued and achy.
I AM doing more. Dog walking feeding cats, house work, laundry even going to feed and turn our old pony out in the morning. But everything seems to take so much effort. I have to plan everything. It may appear to some people that I am pain free because I can walk around the house with out the crutch and am driving and doing jobs and errands etc, But when my mother in law asked me to pick up some bacon and milk "while you are out" - that completely threw my plan for the day, both in terms of logistics and energy. I have to plan  where to park at the supermarket, hoping to a find a free space where I can get out with my crutch and yet not walk to far to the shop. Then once in the shop, it is surprising how far you have to walk. And with a crutch it is not easy to manoeuvre, avoid, or pre-empt the rest of the worlds movements. Because I find most people are in a world of their own and oblivious to the young person on one crutch trying not to have to make any sudden movements. Also there is the issue of hands. I cant push a trolley yet so its hand basket only, so then I have no hands! I have to make sure I don't buy to much as I can only carry in one hand back to the car. So much to think about! anyway, I did it. And got soaked in the process as it was pouring with rain.
Monday night was hydro night and I was so tired, I didn't feel like going. But I made it through the dreary dark rain and it was nice to get into the pool and get warm and relax a bit. Here is a break down of the exercises I am doing in the pool:
Pool walking, normal, lifting kneed, lifting heels and side stepping
standing leg lifts (still can do them on land)
Standing abduction
Standing swinging leg back
lying on back flexing knees, flexing spine, cycling with legs
Step ups
Squats (very slight)
Lying on a support and doing front kick with legs (under water)
Chris, my therapist said my waddle is improving, and was looking much safer so I didn't need to use the walker frame around the pool, So that is another step forward.
So there you go. To sum up 11 weeks post op: Op hip feels ok, some pinching on occasions. other hip aches, Back aches, basically all of my body aches and I am very tired in my head. Hopefully my energy levels will pick up soon.

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