Saturday 15 February 2014

10 weeks POst op

In many ways, things are great. I am down to 1 crutch now at last. I spent last week flipping between one and two as I getting all sorts of aches and pains in my other hip and back. Went to first physio with Donna on Friday. She is really pleased with me but I can tell she thinks I should be off the crutch by now. Things is,  I list to the right side and waddle a bit when I go “Free style”. Last Wednesday I strained a rib in my back which I have done a few times in the past. It is very painful, like a pinching pain and hurts to breath. I also had pins in needles in my right arm/hand because of this. Donna sorted that out with some massage and two acupuncture needles. She then got me on the Swiss ball which was very hard to start with as I couldn’t balance myself. She said this was an important exercise to so as it will teach my muscles to balance my body again. So I have 5 exercises to do on that every day now. She also got me holding a rail and trying to do knee lifts. I could lift my op leg no problem, although not to 90 degrees. But I could not lift my left leg at all (because this involves standing on my op leg). The muscles for  doing that are obviously still asleep, though I can do it in the pool. So that is another exercise to work on. I also have to do the abduction and backwards swinging of my op leg whilst holding the back of a chair, 15 times each as well as the knee lifts (or attempted knee lifts). I am to continue with the exercise bike at no resistance, increasing the time.
By Thursday last week I found that I could climb the stairs one after another fashion by holding the hand rail in my left hand and carrying my crutch. And I could come down one after the other so long as my crutch accompanied my op leg, holding the hand rail with my right hand. So I am glad I can do the stairs quicker, one at a time was becoming VERY boring!

My new walking stick arrived in preparation for not needing the crutch. It is lilac. I had a go with it, but my hand wobbled about on it as I am obviously still needing to bare more weight than a walking stick can cope with. Hopefully I will transition to it soon. Something I never realised before my op was that if you use a stick or crutch, you should use it on the opposite side to your bad leg and move it forward at the same time as you bad one. Try to do it any other way and you will fall over!

I had a busy weekend at home. Because I can do the penguin walk with no crutches, I found myself doing the vacuuming and mopping and few other odd jobs with no cructhes. I also went to see my horse on my own for the first time. I took one crutch and someone had already brought him into the stable for me, so I just groomed him. It was nice to spend sometime on my own with him after so long.
I  really felt like I had overdone it when I woke up on Monday morning and spent most of the day resting on the sofa. I went out a 3pm to do a couple of jobs and then to hydro, first time driving myself there, and first time in the group session. I coped Ok, we all just get on with our exercises and the therapist comes and round help you if you have any problems. My hip and back felt quite tight and pinchy in the pool and I didn’t feel I could cope with the new lunge exercise so we have saved that one for next week. I didn’t get home until 8pm so had been out for 5hrs, the longest since my op, so I was really tired.

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