Friday 14 March 2014

Nearly 15 weeks post open FAI surgery

What was supposed to be a 14 week post op update has turned into a nearly 15 week one as I have been so busy just getting on with things. We went away for a long weekend in our motor hone last week and I managed fine, I took my crutch and used it around the campsite and on our walks. Although I would often carry it instead of using it.

This week was to see me returning fully to my job of running my pet care business, so 5 day week 30 min walk for one dog, and extra half hour walk for three different dogs on 4 days if you see what I mean so 1hrs walking each day plus some cat feeds & pet transport , the usual paperwork and looking after my chickens, bunnies, own dog and pony.

Overall it has been a very good week despite the blip of a migraine. According to my pedometer ap I average 7000 steps a day, with a couple of 10,000 steps days. My limp is practically gone although my hip does feel pretty stiff, especially when I first stand up/first thing in a morning. I have been taking paracetamol and ibuprofen regular though less of the codiene. My back is feeling much now that I have straightened up in my walking.

I went to hydro on Monday and will continue with at as I can progress to harder exercises to strengthen my back. My land physio has set me 6 mins of interval training on my static bike along with some exercises on the Swiss ball.

This morning I woke and felt completely drained of energy and found getting up and getting going today pretty hard. I did a few jobs, but it is foggy here in the UK and it seems to make the scar and glute muscle very tender when I walk. So I am taking some sofa time with a hot water bottle under my bum!

So overall I am pleased with my progress despite this mini set back. I am still awaiting the results of my 12 week post op X-ray which was  actually done at 13 weeks. It was done at a local NHS hospital and still hasn't filtered down to my surgeon in Truro. The wonders of modern technology seem to be failing it!

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