Thursday 20 March 2014

Banging My Head Against a Wall

That is how I feel, I really cannot believe how stressful every single thing to do with this journey is, it just couldn't be a made up story even if I tried.
So when I saw Mr F on the 17th Jan, he said he would like an x-ray at 12 weeks post op, but that it would be better for to get the GP to refer me to the local hospital rather than come all the way to Truro for it. He said just a screen shot of the xray would be fine, and I could email him the pic. Great
At 11 weeks I went to see my GP to request it. I have a copy of the notes and it reads "she wishes XR locally to check R THR position (Mr F had told her to get this done) yellow card sent WGH + req cc to him." Well apart from my GP thinking I have had a Total Hip Replacement- which I have not- all good.
Appointment came for 2 weeks later so x ray now is at 13 weeks post op. I asked radiographer about it being sent to Mr F and she didn't seem to understand what I was asking. She wouldn't let me take a pic of the xray and said a report would be with GP in a week to 10 days.
10 days go by. I hear nothing. Phone the GP receptionist. Again another person that doesn't understand what I am asking. She says the report is there, and she can email it to Mr F's secretary. I tell her the address. She says she cannot do that as it is a btinternet address and is not secure, Says she will fax it to the Duchy

14 days post xray and still nothing. I phone Mr F's secretary to ask for a different email address. She says best thing to do is get my GP reception to call the Duchy X ray department and ask for the IEP address to send the xray directly. Now I know how my GP surgery operate so I decide to do that bit for them. I speak to the Duchy X-ray department who seems surprised that Mr F's secretary isn't requesting the x ray herself on my behalf. Says it is very unusual for a patient to be doing this part their selves. Nothing surprises me anymore.  
Anyway, she is quite helpful and takes all my details and says she will contacts my local hospital where the x-ray was done and request it to be sent to Duchy. She say they may not have an IEP address, and in which case I will need to go the xray department and ask for a copy on disc and post it.
OMG what is all this crap about, it just seems like complete insanity. I would have been better off driving to Truro and paying for the x-ray myself. This last lady says she will call me back and let me know what is happening. I wont be surprised if she doesn't. So I am now 15 weeks post having my head of trochanter removed and screwed back on, and still haven't had my 12 week x ray checked.

Confused - I am  - I am now going to find a wall to bang my head against.

Update - the x-ray was finally received by the Duchy on the 22nd March, and Mr F has reviewed and all is well.

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