Wednesday 29 January 2014

Why I sigh.

 I am sat in the passenger side of my works van as my husband drives back along the M5, England. Its 8pm on the 28th January 2014. We’re just into that “dark bit” where the carriageways are about to spilt levels. I am clutching a pair of crutches in my left hand. I start to think about what has brought be me here, to that exact point in time, doing be doing what is I was I am doing.

 I notice now that whenever anybody, especially professional like physios or consultants’ ask me to explain my back pain history, the first thing I do is sigh. I am not sure why I sigh. Whether it is because it just seems like such a lot to explain, or I think it is just to complicated to make any sense, or I think they aren’t really interested.
Actually I think I sigh because I am so dam tired of the journey I have been on for the last 8 or 9 years. So I thought last night as we were driving home from my first hydrotherapy sessions 8 weeks after an open surgical dislocation and debridement on my right hip, I might perhaps try and write it down. I seem to have a lot of time lately. Maybe it will help me get my head a bit straighter after this roller coaster ride. Or perhaps someone might stumble across  it and  find it helpful. Anyway. I am going to give it a go.

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