Wednesday 29 January 2014

2009 to 2011 and looking forward to my 40's whilst still being in my 20's

In April 2009 we moved to North Somerset for Pauls new job and rented a house with a paddock for the horses. Pauls parents moved with us, the plan being that we would rent for a couple of year to suss out the area and then by a property together. That didn’t happen. Pauls Dad had bowel cancer and he died in 2010. I think he and his Mom found it hard to let go of that house and we ended up staying there until 2013.  

I continued to have chronic back pain. Caring for the horses was becoming difficult never mind riding. I realised I could no longer be a vet nurse and I took on a Franchise Pet Care business working for myself. During the early days  my back went into a major spasm whilst I was at work on my own. I went to the nearest Minor Injuries Unit I was so scared of the pain. All they did was advise that I go and see my GP straight away. I didn’t really feel I was safe to drive. I was like a cripple. I drove in intense pain and tears all the way to our GP and parked in the disabled space outside the GP practice. I was in a mess. She prescribed diazepam and rest. I went home and went to bed for 3 days with my pills.

I can’t actually rember the  pain that forced me to go a see the GP again in 2010, complaining of pain in my right hip. But it is in records.  I got sent for an xray. Here it is:
My Hips, 2010.

 The GP said the results were unremarkable. So I carried on a little while longer before going back again to ask to be referred to the pain clinic again for my back.  Pain clinic decided that I should try the facet joint injections again. I never felt really comfortable with this as I remembered how much they hurt before for no relief. But some how Dr Chaun talked me into it, saying perhaps they weren’t done properly the first time, that  they might work this 2nd time. It was awful.  Sooo painful and no sedation. And yep. You guessed it no relief in my symptoms whatsoever. At the follow up appointment, I honestly felt that Dr Chauan thought I was lying when I said they gave me no relief. He put me on Amitryptaline for nerve pain and to help me sleep. I was to take 40mg at night. It was terrible. It gave me such a dry mouth in the mornings and I felt groggy all day. Although it did help me sleep. I went back and said I could not hack the Amitryptaline. He said I was running out of options now. That there was no surgery to help me as my disc degeneration was “Not that bad” .  I was beginning to think maybe all this was in my head. Maybe the next step should be  a psychiatrist?! He referred me to the TENS nurse.

I did get some relief with the TENS machine, only when I wore it though. I used to set the timer and go sleep with it on. I got an NHS loan one for a while and got on well with it. I would have kept it on all the time if I could! But I had to give it back after 3 months and I didn’t get round to buying one of my own. I bumbled along again for a few more months, just getting on with it. I was resigned to the fact I had chronic back pain and there was nothing anyone could do for it. I was like millions of other people, a statistic. An adult with lower back pain. I might as well try and get on with it. My riding instructor at the time also had a bad back. He was in his late 30’s.  His spinal specialist told him that there was nothing they could do for him either, but that in your 4th decade of life, lower back pain can often get easier as the discs become more static. Oh well that was something to look forward to. Only another 12 years or so and my back pain might ease!

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