Friday 18 December 2015

6 week post op physio session.

The day after my 6 week check with the surgeon, I had my next session with my physio, she was pleased to see me fully weight baring and I even did a no-crutch penguin waddle to see what I could do.  At 6 weeks post op with my other hip, if I'd tried to walk without crutches, I would have fallen over!! So I am already ahead of that. She showed me a couple of extra exercises I could do: 1) lieing on my front,bending heel to bum and then lifting the knee off the bed, as a quad stretch. 2) lie on back, knees bent, slide heel up and down away from/towards bum. 3) on back still , slide whole leg outwards
From hip  and back in 4) standing holding back of chair, move leg outwards/sidewards and back 

She then did some work on my lower back as I told her how stiff and painful it was. When she looked/felt my lower back, it was obviously in spasm, no wonder it hurt so much! So she did my usual back treatment:acupuncture, mobilising of the vertebrae and facet joints and then massage. She said we need to make sure we look after my back throughout this rehab and try to ensure it does not go into full spasm. But she is still convinced my back will get , get the long term now my hips are fixed. 

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