Monday 4 August 2014

6.5 months post op. Negative FAI test. YES!

I just wanted to check in with a brief update as I have been to see my physio today (16th June) for the first time in  4 weeks. I just needed a break from it to help get back into going to the gym & Pilates, which has gone really well. 

We had a good discussion on how I feel now, and as I always like to quantify things, came up with following. 

This time last year my overall pain levels (taking both hips and lower back into account)  were 7-8 out of 10. Today they are 4-5 out 10, mainly linked to the none op hip pain. If I think about where I am on my journey to hopefully feeling 100% better, I would say I am 60-70% there. 

So those all good figures . My physio had my do the two classic hip FAI tests on my op hip. The tests that this time last year I was in immense pain from. The test that in September 2013 Mr F did not follow through with as he could tell he would be scraping me off the ceiling g if he proceed to the rotation part!  Today ZERO  on flexion plus rotation. Wow. Amazing. I never thought I would ever feel no pain with that test!   So I think that now officially means I do not have FAI in my right hip. 

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