Monday 4 August 2014

8 Months Post Op For Right Open SDD, Left hip not feeling great

I can remember saying pretty early on in my recovery that things can change both mentally and physically in just a few hours. And it seems that that is still true.

Saturday 2nd August Marked my 8 month post op day. If I had written this that day, It would have been a lot shorter and more positive.  I had a pretty good weekend, though if I look back at it, I knew something was brewing.

My op hip has been really pretty good, and I am still pleased with my progress. I haven't been to the gym since the she made do heap of squats 4 weeks ago, that really hurt and I think it was just to much to soon for a person who never did squats in the first place. I have wanted to go, but time has been against me and there just haven't been enough hours in the day. I have been doing my best to go to the Tuesday evening Pilates though and am enjoying that.

I have had my horse back on DIY livery for a month and half now and it is going well, I had forgotten how much manure he produces though,, its hard work shovelling!! but they are both living out 24/7 at the moment so that makes things easier. I have been on some nice rides on the beach and up the woods with the other ladies at the yard, one ride was  an hour and half and I was pleased with how well my hip coped.

But my non op hip is really not happy today. One night last week, my spine was really tight and achy and I had diazepam and felt better the next day. Then at the weekend, my IT band on that side was on fire. Really bad and I was due to ride on Sunday afternoon in the outdoor arena with other girls from the yard. I was determined to do it and did it with a fiery IT band and felt not to bad, did some lovely cantering and trotting on Charlie Brown and felt pleased with both him and me. And then bang. This morning my left hip and lower back are HORRENDOUS, my hip feels like something is gnawing away at the joint and my lower back is in complete spasm. First thing my husband said when he saw me this evening was "you are crooked" by that he means my back is crooked laterally . That has hasn't happened to me in almost a year and certainly not since my op. I had thought it was a thing of the past. My heart fell when he said it. I know from the past that when he says that, things are bad I am not going to be right for at least 2 weeks, and work is at its busiest.

I have a feeling that this blog will now become more about my left (non op) hip as my op hip feels so good, all my pain now is focussed on the left, right just feels a bit achy from taking the strain. I know I have to take comfort in how well my op hip feels. As at least I know I am on my way out of all this. When I finally get old lefty done, I should feel great.

I came across this post in a blog that I follow and pretty much sums today up. Hit the wall and can't get over it.

6.5 months post op. Negative FAI test. YES!

I just wanted to check in with a brief update as I have been to see my physio today (16th June) for the first time in  4 weeks. I just needed a break from it to help get back into going to the gym & Pilates, which has gone really well. 

We had a good discussion on how I feel now, and as I always like to quantify things, came up with following. 

This time last year my overall pain levels (taking both hips and lower back into account)  were 7-8 out of 10. Today they are 4-5 out 10, mainly linked to the none op hip pain. If I think about where I am on my journey to hopefully feeling 100% better, I would say I am 60-70% there. 

So those all good figures . My physio had my do the two classic hip FAI tests on my op hip. The tests that this time last year I was in immense pain from. The test that in September 2013 Mr F did not follow through with as he could tell he would be scraping me off the ceiling g if he proceed to the rotation part!  Today ZERO  on flexion plus rotation. Wow. Amazing. I never thought I would ever feel no pain with that test!   So I think that now officially means I do not have FAI in my right hip.