Tuesday 8 March 2016

4 months post op for Left Hip

So 3rd March saw me 4 months post op for open debridement surgery on my left hip and so that means I am 2 years 3 months post op on my right.

The last 2 or 3 weeks have been up and down. Overall my hips are feeling ok, and I am back to life as normal except that I am not riding my horse, but hopefully that will change soon.

I have been having awful trouble with my upper back/thoracic spine and shoulders to the point that I have seen the GP about it. She is concerned that I have a curvature there- or scoliosis. She has sent me for an x ray and done me a referral to the musclo skeletal clinic. I will get that appointment within 12 weeks of seeing her and will get the x ray results then. They will then decide whether to send me to the pain management clinic or spinal surgeon.

I have had 2 deep tissue massage session and one acupuncture session for my upper back. Basically all my muscles across the top of my shoulders and down across my shoulder blades are horrendously tight. I feel like I have a knife stuck under my scapula. I have pins and needles across my upper back, shoulders and occasionally down into my hands. I am pretty worried about it and feeling quite low.

My hip rehab has kind of been put on hold whilst we find out what is causing this and try and make it better. I am walking plenty and going to pilates an yoga but I am finding most things quite painful & unpleasant. Even sitting here typing this I have pins and needles in my shoulder blades. All I want to do is lie in a hot bath all day but life prevents that.

I feel like a game of jenga, Just when I think I have got things stable again, hips and lower back feeling good, a different block gets knocked out and  feel like I may fall apart. But of course I wont fall apart. 12 years of chronic pain has taught me to hide my pain well. The massage therapist I have seen and acupuncturist have found it hard to  hide their surprise when they get they hands on me and feel how tight and painful I am, when on the outside I am smiley and and bouncy.

So thats where I am at the moment. Back to dragging my body through each day. I wanted 2016 to be about seeing how good I can get myslef,  but so far, my body is doing it all it can to prevent that.

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