Tuesday 2 December 2014

One Year Post Op And Feeling Awesome

So here I am one year to the date of my hip surgery. This time last year I was sky high on Morphine at Duchy Hospital !

Today I have:
walked 3 dogs (one for 40mins the other 2 for 30mins each)
Mucked out a stable
Poo picked a field
filled 12 haynets
rearranged my horses electric fencing into new paddocks
groomed my elderly pony
picked out and applied hoof treatments to above pony and horse
A Pilates class.

Phew, I am a little achy but my OP hip feels wonderful. I am so so so glad I git it done. It has been a long hard year but I am in such a better place than before this surgery.

I am 4 months out form my back last  having an spasm episode (see previous post) and it is ok, I still know it has limitations but I am learning to listen to it more and pace myself.

Myleft hip continues to be troublesome and I am pretty much 90% sure I will get the same surgery done on that one next Autumn (I prefer a winter recovery). But for now I am happy to cope with it. We are off on a ski trip to France in January so I am excited to find out how my op hip will do, hopefully snow plough will be less painful on that side than last time! - am not a natural skier but love been in the mountains and pottering about on the greens and blues

So my friends I shall leave you with 3 pics of my boy Charlie Brown (one with me in!) that sum up how I feel about getting my hip fixed and getting on the path out of chronic pain. If you hear nothing more of me on here, presume I am off doing  exciting things and not thinking about my hip. I shall no doubt be back next year to discuss my surgery on my left hip, but for now, Adios, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

If you would like to contact me for any info/advice, you can email on digaden01@gmail.com I can aslo be found on the Facebook hip groups: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FAIhip/
First walk on the beach with my boy and his friend Harvey

The view of the old Pier from on board my boy with his
friend Harvey, This month, it was 3 hr a ride, a great achievement
for us both!

Me with my boy last month , the first time he went in the sea (he is aged 12 lol!)