Sunday 6 April 2014

4 months post op, did someone flip the "you are fixed " switch?!

Well. I am feeling great. The crutch is gone. The groin pain is gone, and I am walking around like a normal person, and beginning to realise what life is like without thinking about chronic pain all the time.

If you had said I would feel like this now two weeks ago, I would have sadi don't be so ridiculous. But now. I am pretty much feeling fixed, not much else to add it really. I went to my last hydrotherapy session on 31st March. Felt strange to be leaving, considering what my goal was when I went there, and that was to be able to walk, well I certainly walked out of there with no crutches.
Next Monday I will go to the local swimming baths with my husband an have a go at doing a length or two, I have no idea what to expect. I will be starting with straight kick legs and use my kick board. I can also carry on with some of my hydro exercises there. But what I would really like to do is get swimming lengths to burn some calories and shift this extra stone of weight!
I have put both my crutches away in the spare room and plan to just start getting my life back on track. I can now ride my horse for 5 minutes at a time and will aim to increase  that. I can start gym exercises the next time   I go to land physio, and will then use the local pay as you go gym once a week.
Out come of my open SDD on  my right hip as of 4 months post op (17 weeks) is that my chronic groin and thigh pain is  gone,  my lower back still feels a little sore but is feeling much more stable. I am sure my back will continue to improve as I start to use my muscles properly -  I think I can confirm that my surgery has been a success.   I am kind of "signing off"  though I aim to check back at least every two moths with an update as I now need to see how my left hip pans out, all being well it can hang on until Autumn 2015 to get fixed.
Below is a snap of my pedometer Ap on my phone which I think tells the story of my post op recovery pretty well, I had my surgery in 2nd December. I am now averaging 6-10,000 steps a day.